The family television anime series Chibi Maruko-chan will air its 1,000th episode on February 12, and the original manga creator Momoko Sakura is celebrating the occasion by scripting the 1,000th anime episode herself. (The manga celebrated its 25th anniversary last year.) "Watashi no Umareta Hi" (The Day I Was Born) will be a one-hour special about the birth of the title schoolgirl.
Kadokawa Magazines' The Television Web site posted two images from the upcoming episode.
Anime episode counts differ, depending on how the numbers are tallied; another Kadokawa publication, Newtype, will list the February 12 episode as No. 845 since it is part of the second Chibi Maruko-chan anime series that premiered in 1995. The first series ran from 1990 to 1992.
Sazae-san is still the longest animated television series in the world; it will run its 2,144th episode on February 5. (Each episode is split into three segments, so the segment count is about three times as long.) The 276th episode of the current Doraemon series will run on February 3, although the overall number of Doraemon episodes is over 1,500 now. The 760th episode of Crayon Shin-chan will air on February 3. Added together, there are over 700 Pokémon episodes. Detective Conan's 644th will run on February 4, and One Piece's 534th will air on the following day. The 468th and 469th episodes of Naruto/Naruto Shippūden will then run on February 9.
Kadokawa Magazines' The Television Web site posted two images from the upcoming episode.
Anime episode counts differ, depending on how the numbers are tallied; another Kadokawa publication, Newtype, will list the February 12 episode as No. 845 since it is part of the second Chibi Maruko-chan anime series that premiered in 1995. The first series ran from 1990 to 1992.
Sazae-san is still the longest animated television series in the world; it will run its 2,144th episode on February 5. (Each episode is split into three segments, so the segment count is about three times as long.) The 276th episode of the current Doraemon series will run on February 3, although the overall number of Doraemon episodes is over 1,500 now. The 760th episode of Crayon Shin-chan will air on February 3. Added together, there are over 700 Pokémon episodes. Detective Conan's 644th will run on February 4, and One Piece's 534th will air on the following day. The 468th and 469th episodes of Naruto/Naruto Shippūden will then run on February 9.
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